Tuesday, November 4, 2008

ASSIGN YOURSELF: Project Due Monday, 11/10
OBJECTIVE:  Using the Design Cycle- Evaluate & change/modify the product.
DO NOW: Write on the spreadsheet handout- how much will the hotel be per night.  Use the calculator on the dashboard.  Calculate 4 students per room. The total number of students in your grade level is in the handout. If you failed to bring this document to class. Open up your spreadsheet on the computer.
1.  Do now (EXAMINE) (10  Minutes)
2.  (ENGAGE):How can we use the spreadsheet to help calculate costs? (5 min)
3.  (ELABORATE) Open up spreadsheet and find the accurate amounts for the hotels,  subtract the charter bus from the original amount.  (Use the spreadsheet to calculate actual costs.)(20 MIN)
4.  EVALUATE: Why do we need to include the costs in the project??  Have you produced a product that will help your classmates choose your product?  Why ?  (10 MIN)
5.   Extra-Feed the Hungry

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