Wednesday, January 21, 2009

OBJECTIVE: I will learn more about the AUP Contract I signed.

DO NOW: Log into Blog- >
Explain five specific Unacceptable Uses of the computer. Post to your blog.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: One page, "Why IDEA Mission College Prep?"-  for Culture Camp tomorrow!

1) Play  -AUP Policy--Do you understand the contract you signed?->
Rags to Riches"  Win a million
2)LAST 15 MINUTES:  Typing Bites the Dust-Try to get to Level 6
3) Feed the hungry if you finish and win and have a few minutes left.

OBJECTIVE: I will practice logging into blog and posting.

DO NOW: Log into Blog/Publish or write your response on 3x5 card and turn in.--THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE A BLOG, CAN POST & PUBLISH. IF NOT NO WORRIES I WILL HELP YOU TOMORROW.
How do the 5 main parts of the AUP Policy impact you as a student? 
(You must have 4-10 sentences)


1) Do Now
2) Use  the Frayer Model for the (4) vocabulary terms from the AUP Contract: Acceptable Use, Privilege, Network Etiquette and Technology Safety.  You are writing this is NOT done on the computer like this digital example.  I just wanted you to see and nice example.
3) When you are finished with the above complete the Technology Skills Assessment form and write in any of the projects you have created under each topic. (EXAMPLE: Under powerpoint- a self-portrait powerpoint)  If you check off an item that you have done before, you should be able to write what you did under each as well.
4) Feed the Hungry  each as well.

Monday, January 19, 2009

DO NOW: What are the 5 topics that will be on the quiz this Friday?

Objective: Learn how to create a blogDo Now: Complete "How to Create a Blog form"ASSIGN YOURSELF: Memorize your blog/gmail username & passwordAGENDA:
1) Guided Practice: Complete the “how to create a blog formUsername: firstinitial lastname year you graduate, password is your date of birth & initials.-EXAMPLE: sdeleon2015, 013192sd
2) Demonstrate How to create a blog.
3) Explain how we will use the blog
4) Create a postIndependent Practice:
5) Create a blog
6) Create a post. "How will you use your blog each day?" , "What is the pattern for your username password?"
7) Click "Publish" ALWAYS!!! NOT SAVE AS A DRAFT!!
8)FINISH EARLY--> Practice Typing, Turn down volume look at your keyboard,CLICK HERE-->"Typing Bites the Dust"

Sunday, January 18, 2009

OBJECTIVE: Learn about the AUP Computer User Policy/Class Expectations.

ASSIGN YOURSELF: AUP Policy take home & have parents sign return tomorrow or you cannot log into a computer!!-Detention
my #373-1281

Do Now: Write on the 3x5 Card,
Your Name, Answer the following question in 3-4 sentences: What is the name you prefer to be addressed by? What is your favorite candybar? What do you think this MYP Technology Class objectives are? What do you think you will learn?

1. Do Now
2. Get to know each other
3. Explain the Objectives of MYP technology:    MYP technology aspires to develop creative problem solvers who are caring and responsible individuals, able to respond critically and resourcefully to the demands of the increasingly technological society and to appreciate the importance of technology for life, society and the environment.
4.  Write Objective-In Book of Knowledge
5.  Demonstrate- Blogs from past semester Stacy DSara J,Juli R Andrea Marissa , Shari F,