Tuesday, October 14, 2008


DO NOW: READ & RESPOND ON YOUR BLOG: Ethical Situation: Jules has walked away from a lab computer without logging off. Trish sits down and, still logged in as Jules, sends inflammatory e-mail messages out to a number of students and posts similar messages on the class newsgroup.  What did she do right/wrong? Explain (Ethical/Unethical)

2.      AFTER DO NOW: REFLECTION: How do feel you did with this first project?  Please explain in 6-8 sentences.  What grade you would give yourself  for your process journal?  What grade would you give yourself for the newsletter?  How do you feel you did with managing your time each day in class?  What will you do better next time?

3.  Leave me a comment today.  How would you grade your process journal?

4.       Last 15 minutes Typing Techconnect

Feed the Hungry  


gilanzaldua2013 said...

don't give me a lot of work miss hinosa

johnv said...
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Cristian.T said...

I think I would put an75 because i dont think idid to good and I doonttink Idi so bad

Astrid P said...

I really don't know how to grade my proses journal

astrid pena2013

Anonymous said...

I would put my self a 90 because I think I did not do so good as I think I did. That would be the grade that I would put on my newsletter.

MAYRA said...

i didnt do my project,i wasnt here.

LUISQ said...

I think that i should get like a 80 or something but I think that everyone that did it should get a passing grade because they try doing it.

fridar2013 said...

I wolud put my self a hundred because i tryed.

Abinadab S. said...

I would grade my process journal 82 because i did not do good on the rules!!:( (:) (:

airacheta2013 said...

Mi grado es o deve i deve de ser un30a un60por que nose aser nada my grate is and 75%a and yhat grate is not got

briana s said...

Dear Mrs.Hinojosa, i would grade my newsletter by having the information right and making sure i have at least 2 pictures.

irving s said...

I would give myself like a 90 because I think I did good.

JOSE A said...

why did I get a 70 on the newsletter was it because I turned it late

rafaelc said...

I know I could of done better with my grade but I did good.

Matthew B said...

why did i get a 75 i think i did better

.. said...

i wOuLd gRaDe My PrOceSs JoUrNaL a 95!!!!!

Andrew P said...

I would grade my process jornal by checking what work that I have done.

.. said...
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alejandro p said...

I fell that I deserve ay least one "A" that all I ask for I worked hard.

Jose H said...

I will grade mine as a 90

Krystal S said...

I think I should get a 95 on my newsletter.

oscar H said...

I would grade my process journal by looking at it reading, creative cooler thats how I would grade my journal

johnv said...

I would grade my process journal based on the following criteria: orgianization, completion and if it was applied to the finished product.

Off topic questions: are we going to have a free day in tech any time this year?

Can we bring our own music on pin drives to listen to during class? I really want to listen to my Lord of the Rings music.